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Special Projects

Facade Program

The Watertown Local Development Corporation’s Facade Program offered up to a 50% matching grant for historic facade rehabilitation through 12/31/2015. We are currently reviewing options for this program. Please contact us if you are interested. 

The basic qualifications require the building to be in the historic district and the willingness of the property owner to allow for a facade easement. Other qualifications may apply based on the specifics of the project. Evident of property owners 50% match funding required. Projects must be done in accordance with the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) historic rehabilitation standards. Program is managed by Neighbors of Watertown, Inc. Amount of funds awarded to a project is at the sole discretion of Watertown Local Development Corporation Board of Directors. Funding approved and reserved for the facade program is also at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Click the images below to see photos of businesses involved in the Facade Program.

Franklin Building

Built near the turn of the 20th century, the Franklin Building at 50 Public Square in downtown Watertown was condemned by the city almost a decade ago. Now, thanks to funding provided by the WLDC, Key Bank and various state and federal sources, this important landmark has been historically preserved and successfully developed.

Neighbors of Watertown, owners of the Franklin Building, managed the $9 million project. Crawford and Sterns were the architects, while Con-Tech handled the construction.

Neighbors achieved their goal of preserving the architectural and structural integrity of the building while turning the three-story brick structure into a mixed-use space. There are 16 residential units on the upper floors for tenants with low to moderate incomes, and 6 to 12 commercial units at street level. Restoration and renovation of the Franklin Building not only contributes towards solving the housing crisis in the area, it also helps the City of Watertown in their ongoing efforts to revitalize downtown. Contact Neighbors of Watertown for information on commercial space available in the Franklin Building.

City Center Industrial Park

The Watertown Local Development Corporation (WLDC) is responsible for the marketing and sales of available parcels in the City Center Industrial Park (CCIP). The park has approximately 17 acres available for development. Currently there are seven businesses located in the park. These businesses range from manufacturing to wholesale distribution. Certain parcels have the availability of rail siding. The CCIP is conveniently located off Arsenal Street (Route 3) in the City of Watertown. Arsenal Street has a direct connection to Interstate 81 approximately one mile away. Parcels in the park can be offered under market rates. Our mission is not so much to profit from the sales, but to help foster economic development and job creation. The WLDC can assist in the financing of a building. Under the right circumstances we could also construct and lease a facility for businesses not wanting to own real estate. The WLDC has successfully built and leased or sold two 20,000 sq. ft. buildings in the park over the last 10 years. For additional information, please contact Don Rutherford at 315-786-3494.

Click the images below to see photos of businesses located in the City Center Industrial Park.

[click map to see larger version]
